AIA acquires sensing data through various sensors installed in the library. Currently, the surveillance cameras are also under normal use. The data will be utilized for academic research and facility improvement under the consideration of personal information.

A new place of creation that combines IoT and AI, Starting!
About AIA

“Agora” is a future generation library with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) research platform. More people have gathered in Agora as a result of its design to promote communication amongst friends. Agora inspires activity and imagination, in addition to providing knowledge to the users through books. Various sensors in Agora acquire students’ conversation and behavior, then the big data is utilized to evolve Agora’s AI. An interactive AI robot functions as an experienced super tutor by advising and encouraging learners. In addition, if AI finds a demotivated learner, it controls sound, smell, light, and temperature, etc. to create a comfortable environment, and encourage learning again. The learners and AI will continue to enhance through this innovative learning environment, “Agora”.
Using AIA

AIA is a learning space that can hold more than 270 people opened in April 2017.
This space supports active learning such as discussion and presentation.
It also aims to sense the usage situation and to utilize the obtained data for research such as artificial intelligence and adaptive learning.
By feeding back the research results, it is expected that circulation of study and research will be constructed that will create a better learning environment.
For details, please see the following page.

AIA is explained more in datail in the following Japanese documents.
How To Use Equipment

This page explains how to use equipments installed in AIA.
Application Form

You can make each application regarding AIA.
please check the "Rules and Formats" before applying from each form.
Activity Report

Contact Us

Inquiries are accepted from the following form. (Corresponds in Japanese.)